The life of our church is found in our service to others. Trinity UMC is very active in our community seeking to help and serve others. Found on this page are the missions we actively support with our time, talents and resources. We are proud of our commitment to young people and families, as you will see by the many missions we serve and support below. If you wish to volunteer, donate or would like more information about any of our missions, please contact the church office at:
Kanal Kitchen: Our church has provided this monthly meal for the hungry and housing insecure since at least 2008. For the past two years we have focused on the people served by the Mary Randall Center and Men’s Shelter (parent org Meeting Ground), and Clairvaux Farm (parent org Deep Roots). The Kanal Kitchen prepares and delivers a hot meal the last Thursday of every month. It is a joy because we are showing love by sharing food. What could be more natural and comforting?
Kanal Kitchen is one way we maintain our commitment to the hungry, and those who may feel outside of the mainstream of the community. We are building personal relationships, and the recipients really do sense the love and caring from our church. Please consider joining us in making this little monthly adventure happen. There are lots of ways: You can be one of the kitchen elves whenever you feel lead (we can be flexible on scheduling cook time), help deliver/ serve up lunch or dinner, bake cookies or other goodies, contribute money, support us in prayer. All are very helpful. If you would like to contribute in any way, please contact Mikki at
Equal Exchange:
Do you like coffee, cocoa, tea, nuts, artisan olive oil or chocolate, all of top quality and reasonable prices? Then Equal Exchange is for you. When you buy products from Equal Exchange, you’re supporting fair trade certified products. That means they are produced in environmentally friendly and socially just ways. The workers and farmers are guaranteed a fair price, which helps them stay in business and provide for their families, rather than large corporations skimming off most of the profits. The only advertising is word of mouth, so this keeps the pricing in range.
Check out the products in the corner of Fellowship Hall. If you would like some chocolate or cocoa to jazz up your baking, contact Doug Senn at He can order whatever you don’t see in the display. To see a complete list of products, check out There are food categories and gifts as well. Happy shopping with a heart.
Mary Randall Center: Show your LOVE in February by donating breakfast cereal and new socks to those in need. Donations will be collected at Trinity and delivered to the Mary Randall Center.
The Mary Randall Center provides transitional services to those individuals at risk or experiencing homelessness including: emergency winter shelter, and transitional housing for men, women and families. The Drop-in center services include food, clothing, showers, laundry, case management, medical care, and employment assistance. Donations of clothing, household goods, cereal, and office equipment accepted.
Trinity Preschool: Lead by Deidra Johnson, Trinity preschool provides a nurturing educational environment for children ages 3 and 4. The program runs Monday through Friday with half day or full day options available. Age appropriate academics in a nurturing and Christian atmosphere are all part of this excellent program. Click on the preschool link to learn more.
Camp Pecometh: Located near Centerville, Maryland, this beautiful ministry facility offers Christian camping experiences for young people as well as a state of the art adult ministry setting. Our church encourages families to consider this opportunity for children to enjoy camp and grow in their knowledge of Jesus Christ. We have an active camper scholarship fund available to families who are active in our church. Check Here to find out more about Camp Pecometh and this wonderful ministry. If you wish to inquire about supporting our scholarship fund or camp in general, please contact the church office.
Vacation Bible School (VBS): Lead: Karol Armstrong. Trinity UMC works in conjunction with the CCEA and other local churches in Chesapeake City to provide a wonderful Vacation Bible School experience for children ages 3 - 14. You do not need not be a member of any church to participate. To learn more about this year’s dates and program, click Here to access the CCEA webpage or contact our church office
Fall School Supplies: Each year during July and August our church seeks donations of school supplies for students. Everything from backpacks to crayons are accepted as we seek to make sure any child in need gets off to a great start at school by having the simple tools they need in the classroom. If you wish to donate, please contact the church office or look for the calendar/newsletter/bulletin announcements on this mission during the summer months.
Deep Roots at Clairvaux Farm: Lead: Beth Ohline. In partnership with another group that provides shelter for “homeless” families during times of need. This program provides shelter, counseling in a range of topics and again hope. We help to provide basic needs again from food to daily care supplies.
Trinity Sunday School: Lead: Lisa Malin. Our children's Sunday School is offered to kids of all ages once they are potty trained. This program runs September through May. We follow "Safe Sanctuary" guidelines, with curriculum consisting of a bible story and then a craft each Sunday. If you are interested in assisting with Sunday School, please reach out to Lisa Malin:
Annual Christmas Bazaar: Leads: Todd Harvey, Marian Harvey, Dorie Borrell, & Kathy Moran. Our one main fundraiser each year is our annual Christmas Bazaar which is held each year in November. Food, craft vendors, and the world’s best silent auction are all part of this wonderful family experience held at the church. Be on the lookout in October and November for updates on our website and newsletters as the big event approaches. Donations of goods and volunteering are two simple ways you can help.
CCEA Food Pantry: In partnership with the CCEA and its’ member churches, we help to sustain a food pantry for those in need. Donations can be placed in the special crafted storage pew located in the hallway leading to the Sanctuary. Volunteers run donations to the CCEA on a weekly basis. The CCEA receives and screens clients for needs and distributes approximately 1 week of non-perishable food items, plus meats, dairy & daily care supplies when available, for each client family.
Angel Tree: has been a ministry where CCUMC has provided gift cards, which are then given to the CCEA for distribution to clients during the Christmas season. These cards are in addition to holiday cards provided by The CCEA.
The Angel tree is decorated with angel ornaments. We ask you to consider placing a gift card on the tree and taking an angel ornament for your tree as a thank you from the CCEA. Gift cards will be collected after service for distribution.
Chesapeake City Ecumenical Association (CCEA): Lead: Karol Armstrong. Trinity UMC is an active member of the CCEA, which consists of local churches here in town. The CCEA provides food pantry items, monetary assistance, household goods, clothing and assistance to families. Our church supports each of those components through donations of goods or by volunteering. For more information on how to help or donate, please click Here.