As United Methodists, we have an obligation to bear a faithful Christian witness to Jesus Christ, the living reality at the center of the Church’s life and witness. To fulfill this obligation, we reflect critically on our biblical and theological inheritance, striving to express faithfully the witness we make in our own time. This is best done thru the connections made in Small Groups which afford the opportunity to learn, grow, discuss, support and encourage each other. These are some of the opportunities we offer.
The Journey This small group discusses the challenges facing the United Methodist Church following the 2019 Special General Conference. Join us for “The Journey” as we explore the upcoming changes in the United Methodist Church and how we will adapt to those changes. We are in the process of becoming a Reconciling Group. Our current study is a book by Adam Hamilton, When Christians Get It Wrong. All are welcome. We meet on Wednesday evenings at the Barteld’s house in Port Herman at 6:30 pm.
Ladies Bible Study: Lead: Mary Meadows. The studies will vary throughout the year and are hosted in the home of Mary Meadows. Some studies are part of a package that may run 4-8 weeks and others are weekly stand-alone studies. In other words, you may come one week and choose to stay or come for several and take a vacation. Filled with a time of prayer, sharing, learning and always rooted in fellowship. This is an open invitation to come as you can, when you can.
Men’s Fellowship Dinner: Lead: Tom Duffy. Held on the 3rd Tuesday of the month (Sept thru May) and meeting at 6:30pm in the Fellowship Hall at Trinity Church, 450 Third Street, Chesapeake City-South. These dinners are designed to share a meal in faith and fellowship. Participants take turns offering to provide the main course, and the other attendees provide the sides and desserts. God provides the Word.
Emmaus/Chrysalis Community: Leads: Todd & Marian Harvey. Many members of Trinity have had the privilege of participating in an Emmaus or Chyrsalis weekend. This experience is one of the most moving experiences you can imagine and will draw you closer to others in your faith journey. We encourage you to check out the link to the Delmarva Emmaus/Chrysalis link found on our page. Feel free to contact our church office is this wonderful faith opportunity interests you.
Middle and High School Youth Group: Lead by Todd & Marian Harvey, along with Julie Hambling, our youth group is for students in 6th-12th grades. The youth meet at various times throughout the month for special events and for regular meetings allowing for discussions on faith, family, The Word and more. Like the adult “small groups”, we look to build and strengthen our youth in both their faith in GOD and in developing bonds of friendship and support. (does not meet June-August, except as announced for special events)
Sunday School: We have Sunday School classes for all ages (pre-school thru adult) beginning at 10:15am each Sunday. Classes are typically held on the lower level of Fellowship Annex Special Note: There are no Children’s Sunday School classes June-August.
Fellowship Time: Hosted after service Sundays (typically 11:00 am) in Fellowship Hall. Light refreshments are provided, and we encourage you to come up, say hello, get to know one another, and connect with others on the spiritual journey.